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Saturday, December 22, 2007

how to build cantenna 2.4 ghz

Antenna for wireless networks

Here is a high gain antenna for 2.4 gHz wireless networks.

Here is how to build a high gain antenna for 2.4 gHz wireless networks. Several hams are experimenting with these devices in an effort to build a network. It is sometimes referred to as Hinternet or HSMM. My neighbor Jack, K8RT, and myself are also working on a neighborhood wireless network. As a result of these efforts, I have come up with my own version of the classic "cantenna" using 4 inch diameter aluminum dryer vent pipe, and a 4 to 6 inch pipe adapter. Although the basic design is the same as other cantenna type antennas, the materials I ended up using are a bit different. Preliminary results show a gain of 15 DBi. Not bad for less than $10 worth of materials!

A cross section diagram of the cantenna is below:

Location of the type N connector, and length of the antenna are critical. Below is a closeup with dimensions:

Here are the parts.

You will also need a piece of aluminum at least 4 inches in diameter (not shown).

Step by step instructions follow:

Solder aprox. 1 1/2 in. of 14 ga. wire to the N Connector. I connect a spare N female to dissipate heat from soldering

Snap the dryer vent tube together, and make sure the edges are flush at the seam. Measure 13.5 inches from this end, and cut the tube to this length.

Drill, then use a reamer to enlarge the hole so that the N connector will properly seat on the surface.
Measure 1.75 inches from the edge of the vent.

Remove all of the burrs as a result of the reamer.

Drill 4 holes for mounting the N connector. I placed the heads of the screws in from the inside with washers.

Measure a piece of scrap wire 1.25 inches, and cut it to length. Using this wire as a measuring guide, cut the wire that is soldered to the N connector to the 1.25 inch length.

Attach the 4" vent clamp snugly to the end. This forms the tube into a circle. Then mark the aluminum along the outside of the clamp. Cut the aluminum so that it is slightly larger than the 4 inch tube. Then place it on the end as shown.


ecure the plate with duct tape. Then place the 4 inch clamp over the duct tape to secure it. Cut 4 vertical slots in the 4 inch end of the 4" to 6" adapter. Slide the dryer vent tube INSIDE the adapter, and secure it with another 4 inch clamp.

Your cantenna is now ready fo use. Enjoy!

The results are below. 15 Dbi


Anonymous said...

tes tes 123 123

Anonymous said...

lumayan, buat bikin rt rwnet modal kecil... he he, thanks bro.... ^^

Anonymous said...

wow... keren...keren